Learn “Future of AI in Digital Marketing” if you’re a Digital Marketer

3 years ago -

Learn “Future of AI in Digital Marketing” if you’re a Digital Marketer

In the ever-evolving realm of digital marketing, understanding the trajectory of artificial intelligence (AI) is not just advantageous—it’s essential. Artificial Intelligence (AI), significantly impacts digital marketing and search engine optimization in a full swing. It’s safe to say that the future of AI in digital marketing has a great impact on business.

The future of AI in digital marketing holds unprecedented potential and transformative possibilities. Artificial Intelligence is poised to revolutionize the landscape, offering innovative solutions that enhance efficiency, personalization, and overall effectiveness in marketing strategies. From advanced analytics and predictive modeling to AI-driven chatbots and personalized content creation, the integration of AI technologies promises to elevate the digital marketing experience. As marketers embrace these advancements, they can expect to navigate a landscape where data-driven insights, automation, and tailored user experiences become the cornerstone of successful campaigns, shaping the future of AI in digital marketing.

When people think about AI, they might think of computers that can speak to us like Siri or Alexa, or self-driving cars. These are so exciting and attention-grabbing so more people aware of them. But the reality is there are thousands of tools and apps running quietly behind the scenes that make our lives more straightforward by automating the tasks and making predictions.

AI made its debut on the silver screen in the 1927 German film, Metropolis.  In the movie, AI takes the form of a humanoid robot for the destruction of humanity in the titular city. The relationship between AI and humans in the film is complicated like in reality. Some range from benevolent companions C3-P0 and R2-D2 to hostile machines Terminator, and it says about our hopes and fears for the future.

AI plays a central role in today’s digital world and marketing landscape. It is already integrated into technologies we’ve used before such as chatbots, and voice recognition software.

What is AI in digital marketing?

AI, or Artificial Intelligence, in digital marketing refers to the application of advanced technologies that enable machines to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. In the context of digital marketing, AI is harnessed to analyze vast datasets, automate processes, and make data-driven decisions to enhance overall marketing strategies. This includes leveraging machine learning algorithms for predictive analytics, personalizing content and user experiences, optimizing advertising campaigns, and implementing AI-driven chatbots for improved customer interactions.

Essentially, AI in digital marketing empowers marketers to work more efficiently, make informed decisions, and create personalized, engaging experiences for their target audience, thereby maximizing the impact and effectiveness of their marketing efforts. Artificial intelligence (AI) has led to more advanced business strategies. Here are some AI facts that come from truenorth:

  • By 2020, 85% of customer interactions will be handled without a humans
  • 61% of marketers say AI is the most important aspect of their data strategy.
  • 97% of mobile users are using AI-powered voice assistants
  • 80% of business and tech leaders say AI already boosts productivity
  • AI could prevent 86% of cyber-attacks and security threats
  • 44% of consumers don’t even realize they’re already using the AI platform
  • 83% of early AI adopters have already achieved substantial (30%) or moderate (53%) economic benefits

Artificial Intelligence has been a trending topic now. AI is used in various fields including Digital Marketing. The use of AI in digital marketing can help you to deliver improved customer experiences. Also, it helps you to save time and money.

AI is changing the face of today’s Digital landscape from Google’s RankBrain, and Voice Search to personalized Amazon recommendations. With the ability to input and effective data analysis, AI is taking over the human role of identifying marketing trends. Marketers and Brands are using AI digital marketing to save their time and resources through automated digital marketing services. AI technology can help to optimize and speed up many different marketing tasks, improving customer experiences and driving conversions.

How can Digital Marketing with AI implement your Business?

Digital marketing with AI can significantly impact and enhance your business in various ways, offering a competitive edge and improving overall efficiency. Here’s how the implementation of AI in digital marketing can benefit your business:

  • AI tools can analyze vast amounts of data swiftly, providing valuable insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and market trends.
  • This data-driven approach enables more informed decision-making, allowing you to tailor your marketing strategies based on real-time analytics.
  • AI enables the creation of personalized content and experiences for individual users, increasing engagement and customer satisfaction.
  • Personalization, driven by machine learning algorithms, helps in delivering targeted messages and product recommendations, fostering stronger connections with your audience.
  • AI algorithms can optimize advertising campaigns by analyzing performance data and adjusting strategies in real-time.
  • This leads to more efficient use of advertising budgets, improved targeting, and higher conversion rates.
  • Implementing AI-driven chatbots enhances customer support by providing instant responses to queries and addressing issues 24/7.
  • This not only improves customer satisfaction but also streamlines communication processes, freeing up resources for other business activities.
  • AI facilitates predictive analytics, allowing businesses to forecast trends, customer behavior, and market dynamics.
  • This foresight helps in making proactive decisions, minimizing risks, and capitalizing on emerging opportunities.
  • AI tools can automate aspects of content creation, such as generating reports, writing product descriptions, or even creating engaging social media posts.
  • While human creativity remains essential, AI can assist in streamlining content workflows, saving time and resources.
  • AI-powered tools enhance Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts by analyzing search patterns, optimizing content, and improving website ranking.
  • This ensures that your business remains visible to potential customers in an increasingly competitive online landscape.
  • Automation through AI leads to significant cost savings by reducing the need for manual intervention in various marketing processes.
  • Tasks like data analysis, social media posting, and customer segmentation can be automated, allowing your team to focus on strategic planning and creativity.

By integrating AI into your digital marketing strategies, your business can stay agile, adapt to changing market dynamics, and deliver more personalized and effective experiences to your target audience, ultimately driving growth and success.

In today’s business, AI is used to describe software that is capable of learning & getting better at doing its job without input from humans. This means – while we’ve become used to using machines to help us with the heavy lifting, now they can start to help us with jobs that require thinking and decision-making, too.

Multiple questions would be arising that would previously have needed human intervention to answer: “Will this person be interested in my products/services?” Or “What results can I get from this advertise?” that can be answered by machines now if the right data would be given. Machines can answer questions far more quickly than humans, and easily chain together complex strings of queries to come up with predictions. This is the basic principle of all AI businesses to automate the processes of learning & decision-making to create knowledge (insight) that helps to improve performance.

1. Targeting Marketing

AI lets you analyze data better so you can easily predict the buying behavior of your ideal customers. Leveraging data from sources such as internet cookies and transactions is a great place to start if you want to improve messaging in your marketing assets. 

Investing in data-driven insights also helps you understand the most crucial question of all: why do customers buy from you? Using AI lets you target your ideal customer with precision, highlighting USPs that can help set your business apart.

future of ai in digital marketing


2. Voice Search and Conversational AI

Voice Search, become a major digital trend by simply speaking to the search engine, you’ll receive a direct straightforward answer.

For example:

Me: Who is the President of Nepal?

Google Assistant: Bidhya Devi Bhandari is the president of Nepal.

On the other hand, Conversational AI makes this interaction feel semi-human by adopting a more conversational tone.

For example:

Me: Hey SIRI, what’s Marketing?

Google Assistant: Marketing is the process of intentionally stimulating demand for and purchase of goods and services;

Example of SIRI voice search

Voice search and conversational AI have a direct impact on your online traffic because they’re accurate, convenient, and very fast. Also, it alters the customer journey and reduces the spent time on the research stage.

is ai the new future of digital marketing

As the world is moving to mobile, it makes sense that they’re also switching to a hands-free way of data input while on the move.

The growth in voice search is partly due to the huge advances that have been made in understanding human speech with machine learning algorithms. Anyone who used Dragon NaturallySpeaking or another speech-to-text conversion program in the ‘90s will know that it was far from perfect!

3. AI Analytics

AI and machine learning with bid data help marketers to do their job from analytics to forecasting, and endless optimization possibilities.

Google Analytics is a critical tool for the success of a business online, it is now the requirement of any Digital marketing job; because of Google Analytics, you can track whether your marketing is working or if there are technical issues blocking sales.

At the end of the day, it all boils down to AI making the job of a marketing analyst much easier. By using technology such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) you can develop more meaningful outcomes and curate insights in real-time. It harnesses the power of NLP to analyze reviews and summarize the findings in easy-to-understand sentences. This way, marketers can uncover the true sources of customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction.

4. Product Recommendations and targeted Local SEO

Amazon uses AI to recommend products for users which is the most recognizable example of Artificial intelligence in marketing. AI help amazon to analyze customer past purchase, views history, and identify products they are most interested to buy.

product recommendation

Many retail and eCommerce brands use artificial intelligence technology to track their customers’ preferences, habits, and buying behavior.

Want to know why?                                     

Because insights they get help them make suggestions on products and services that their customers may be interested in.

5. Better Advertising Techniques

The term “artificial intelligence” is an umbrella term that covers a range of machines that learn, with the help of humans or entirely on their own. In this way, AI technologies perform certain cognitive tasks as well or better than humans.

The best definition of artificial intelligence that we’ve heard comes from Demis Hassabis at Google DeepMind, who says that AI is the “science of making machines smart.”

That means machines that can read and understand text, see and identify images, physically move around obstacles, hear sounds and understand them, and sense their external environment.

You use AI dozens or hundreds of times each day.

Gmail and Google Docs use AI to read what you’re typing, then understand it enough to recommend what to type next with Smart Compose.

By far one of the most successful areas of marketing that has adopted AI, digital ads are used across platforms such as Google, Facebook, and Instagram to provide the best possible experience. The AI works by analyzing age, gender, interests, and demographics to show people the most relevant ads. 

  • Using AI for digital ads can help brands like you make more strategic decisions about where you allocate your ad budget and who you should target for the best results.
  • Facebook uses AI to detect who is in your photos, then recommends who to tag.
  • Self-driving cars use AI to detect obstacles and drive (hopefully) safely and effectively.
  • Siri on your iPhone uses AI to understand your voice commands and create responses that make sense.
  • Smart home technology, like Ring cameras and Nest thermostats, use AI to sense changes in their observable environments, then take action based on what they sense.

This is why AI is starting to gain traction in marketing and advertising.

6. AI-Powered Website Builder

AI has also dominated the design and website building space by deploying AI-powered platforms.

These website design platforms are intelligent enough to monitor, identify, and assess how users interact with your interface and content. Like Alexa and Siri, AI designer Molly can recommend color, font quality, and content based on your brand identity with the information of your target audience.

future of ai in digital marketing 2022

In this way, website creation and designing is a breeze, done with user-friendly navigation and enhanced customer journey.

7. Augmented and Virtual Reality application

AR and VR are the future of AI in Digital Marketing, which has been around for a while but they’re still seen as somewhat of a novelty. While augmented reality is now commonplace in games like Pokémon Go, and virtual reality gaming headsets have been a popular Christmas gift for a few years now, these technologies are still rare in practical applications rather than for entertainment purposes.

Augmented and Virtual Reality application

However, today AR and VR are not simply buzzwords in the digital world anymore. These cutting-edge technologies go far beyond gaming and entertainment. Many companies have already incorporated AR/VR applications into their business: from education and eCommerce to healthcare and construction. 

AR helps in  COVID-19

But how did they do it? 

And how can businesses benefit from AR and VR applications? Lucky for you, that’s exactly what we’re going to cover in this article. We have extensive experience in creating AR and VR products in various fields: from games and simulators to 3D animation of buildings and virtual tours of a museum. So, we have plenty of knowledge to share with you.

This will all change in the coming year as more companies start to embrace AR and VR and realize how they can become a powerful part of their marketing strategy.

There are a few companies that are already using VR and AR to great success. Ikea’s Place app allows you to try furniture in your own home before you buy – a great example of how AR can be useful as well as fun.

  • Improved communication and collaboration
  • Memorable and enhanced user experience
  • Boosting sales
  • Detailed analytics to better understand consumer behavior
  • Lower development costs
  • Gaming

8. Chatbots : Conversations Redefined

Chatbots are another future of AI in Digital Marketing, have all sorts of services from dealing with basic customer inquiries to driving sales. Step into the world of AI-driven chatbots. Learn how these virtual assistants are transforming customer interactions, providing real-time engagement, and streamlining user journeys.

We have already seen consumers have become used to chatbots and feel comfortable talking with them. It is all thanks to the growing popularity of virtual assistants like ALEXA and SIRI.

Chatbots are now becoming as sophisticated that they are difficult to distinguish from a real human. Almost many companies’ websites and apps have chatbots. It helped the biggest companies achieve marketing success. For instance, how Starbucks helps customers order their favorite coffee just the way they want through AI. All you need to do is place your order through Starbucks Barista Bot Messenger and wait until your coffee is delivered to your doorstep.

future of ai in digital marketing 2022

Big giant companies are putting their time and resources into the development of Chatbots technology and I’m sure we’ll continue to advances very soon.

Explore the visual frontier of AI in digital marketing. From image recognition to video analysis, discover how AI technologies are reshaping visual content strategies and amplifying brand storytelling.

This transformative technology is reshaping how businesses approach visual content, offering innovative ways to engage audiences and amplify brand storytelling.

  • Visual Content’s Dominance

The saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” has never rung truer. With the increasing dominance of visual content on digital platforms, the ability of AI to recognize and interpret images and videos brings a paradigm shift to marketing strategies.

  • Enhanced User Engagement

AI-driven image recognition enables marketers to understand the visual preferences of their audience. This insight empowers the creation of visually compelling content that resonates with users, leading to higher engagement and interaction rates.

  • Dynamic Video Analysis

Video content, a powerful storytelling tool, benefits from AI’s ability to analyze and interpret visual elements. From sentiment analysis to object recognition, AI enhances video creation and optimization, ensuring that messages are not just seen but deeply understood.

  • Tailored Product Recommendations

E-commerce platforms leverage AI to recognize user preferences based on their interactions with visual content. This enables the delivery of highly personalized product recommendations, enhancing the overall shopping experience.

  • Interactive Augmented Reality (AR)

Image recognition plays a pivotal role in AR applications. Users can now engage with products virtually, trying them before making a purchase. This interactive and immersive experience bridges the gap between the online and offline shopping realms.

  • Brand Safety and Content Moderation

In the vast digital landscape, maintaining brand safety and moderating user-generated content are paramount. AI-powered image and video recognition tools act as vigilant moderators, ensuring that content aligns with brand values and community guidelines.

  • Mitigation of Inappropriate Content

Automated content moderation using AI helps identify and filter out inappropriate or offensive visuals, safeguarding brands from associations with undesirable content and maintaining a positive online image.

  • Protecting Brand Reputation

By swiftly detecting and addressing visual content that could potentially harm a brand’s reputation, AI contributes to proactive brand management, fostering trust and credibility among the audience.

  • The Future Landscape

As AI algorithms continue to evolve, the image and video recognition revolution is poised for even greater heights.

  • Integration with Augmented Commerce

The fusion of AI-driven image recognition with augmented commerce is expected to redefine the online shopping experience. Virtual try-ons, interactive product displays, and AI-guided styling suggestions will become integral components of the e-commerce journey.

  • Advancements in Visual Search

Visual search capabilities, propelled by image recognition, will become more refined. Users can initiate searches based on images, enabling a seamless transition from inspiration to product discovery.

In conclusion, the image and video recognition revolution powered by AI is not merely a trend but a fundamental shift in how businesses communicate with their audiences. Embracing these technologies allows marketers to create visually stunning, personalized experiences that resonate in an increasingly visual digital world. As we navigate this revolution, staying at the forefront of AI innovations will be key to unlocking new possibilities and staying ahead in the dynamic realm of digital marketing.


If you work in marketing, you would be forgiven for worrying that we’re heading for a future where humans in your role will be redundant. You can take heart, though, from current predictions that state the future of AI in Digital Marketing will end up creating more jobs than it destroys. It’s inevitable that your job will change, though. In the coming year, the industry is undergoing such a huge change that is likely to become an increasingly pertinent point of discussion. We have only seen just initial applications of the new AI technology so far. A few notable AI examples include the ALEXA, the voice assistant and Amazon’s “Buy with Amazon” features has been integrated into homes all over the world.

Marketing needs to embrace a more customer-centric approach and transform the marketing model. 

It’s already automating manual and repetitive tasks. Soon it will augment human decisions. Along the way, it will add more to global GDP by 2030. That growth will be more than enough to create many good jobs, while it will also change how current jobs are being done.

Here are some AI tools that help with digital marketing: 

  • HubSpot – inbound lead generation, CRM 
  • Google Cloud AI – Data labeling, prediction, data science, and machine learning platform
  • Acquisio Turing – PPC bid and budget management software
  • Bramework – keyword analysis, blog builder, and AI content generator
  • Cortex – optimizes social media content 
  • Drift – chatbot and customer engagement AI 
  • Conversica – AI assistance to engage customers in authentic conversations 
  • Pattern89 – predictive marketing AI for Facebook, Instagram, and Google ads. 
  • Atomic Reach – AI content editing tool 


Examples of future of AI in Digital Marketing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is AI in digital marketing?

Artificial intelligence is transforming customer-facing services for digital marketers by increasing efficiency and optimizing user experience. One common example of AI across the web is the use of chatbots to provide customer services to users.

Will AI replace digital marketers?

But to be honest, there’s not a lot of solid information yet on how exactly AI will affect digital marketing roles over the coming years.

What we know is that current practices accompanied by the need to devise better and better marketing strategies continue to require the involvement of creative people.

At the same time, however, the use of artificial intelligence in marketing is slowly increasing.

While AI can assist you in determining what connects most with your target audience, it cannot generate fresh ideas. To retain your consumers’ interest, you’ll need empathy and creativity, abilities that the AI cannot mimic. 

How AI is used in digital marketing?

After knowing artificial intelligence’s impact on marketing, you need to go through plans while leveraging AI in the marketing process. Marketers and their teams will achieve the most value from their AI investment in the least amount of time and minimize cost. These are some of the ways to use AI to enrich your work.

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How will the future of AI in digital marketing change?

The future of AI in digital marketing is poised for a profound transformation, marked by continuous innovation and evolving trends that will reshape the industry. Here’s a glimpse of how the landscape is expected to change:

  • Hyper-Personalization Becomes Standard:

AI will advance further in tailoring content and experiences on an individual level, making hyper-personalization the standard rather than an exception.

Marketers will leverage AI algorithms to understand user preferences, behaviors, and context, delivering highly relevant and personalized messages.

  • AI-Generated Content on the Rise:

The use of AI in content creation will expand, with more businesses incorporating AI-generated content for blog posts, product descriptions, and marketing copies.

While human creativity remains crucial, AI will play a larger role in streamlining content production processes.

  • Voice Search Optimization Dominates:

As voice-activated devices become ubiquitous, optimizing for voice search will be paramount.

AI will be instrumental in understanding natural language processing and tailoring content to match the conversational tone of voice search queries.

  • AI-Driven Visual and Video Content:

AI’s role in analyzing and creating visual content will increase, transforming how businesses approach images and videos in marketing.

Image recognition and video analysis powered by AI will lead to more engaging and visually appealing marketing materials.

  • Chatbots Evolve into Virtual Assistants:

Chatbots will evolve into more sophisticated virtual assistants capable of handling complex customer interactions.

Integration with natural language processing and machine learning will enable chatbots to provide nuanced and personalized support.

  • AI for Predictive Customer Behavior:

Predictive analytics using AI will become more accurate, helping businesses anticipate customer behaviors and preferences.

Marketers will leverage this foresight to proactively tailor campaigns, offers, and experiences based on predicted customer actions.

  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Integration:

AI will play a crucial role in enhancing AR and VR experiences, creating immersive and personalized marketing campaigns.

Virtual try-ons, interactive product experiences, and AI-driven simulations will become prevalent in digital marketing strategies.

  • Enhanced Marketing Attribution Models:

AI will contribute to more sophisticated attribution models, providing a clearer understanding of the customer journey across multiple touchpoints.

This will enable marketers to allocate resources more effectively and optimize campaigns for better ROI.

  • Ethical AI Practices Take Center Stage:

As AI becomes more embedded in digital marketing, ethical considerations around data privacy, transparency, and bias will gain prominence.

Businesses will need to adopt ethical AI practices to build trust with consumers and adhere to evolving regulations.

  • Continuous Integration of AI with Other Technologies:

AI will seamlessly integrate with other emerging technologies such as blockchain and the Internet of Things (IoT), creating synergies that amplify marketing capabilities.

The interconnectedness of these technologies will open up new possibilities for data-driven insights and customer engagement.

In essence, the future of AI in digital marketing is dynamic and promising, with advancements expected in personalization, content creation, customer interaction, and the ethical implementation of AI technologies. Staying abreast of these changes will be crucial for businesses aiming to leverage the full potential of AI in their digital marketing strategies.

How is AI used in mobile marketing?

 The most important use-case of AI in mobile marketing is to send personalized and targeted marketing messages. You can use AI to send personalized offers and discounts to your target customers, based on their demographics, locations, preferences, etc.

Not just that, you can also automate the process where users get push notifications based on certain triggers. So, AI can help make mobile marketing more targeted and efficient.

What is the best tool for AI in marketing in 2024?

The most popular AI tool in the field of marketing is chatbots. AI-powered chatbots are being increasingly used to engage website visitors and convert them into customers. AI chatbots can answer questions, help with site navigation, and even provide personalized product recommendations.

There are AI marketing tools that can help your organization become more efficient, more organized, and better prepared for future growth.

Why do companies use AI in digital marketing in 2024?

AI enables marketers to personalize their communications on an individual level rather than the generic target groups that marketers relied on in the past. This technology works by predicting customer behavior based on intelligence learned from previous brand interactions.

Is machine learning the future of digital marketing?

Machine learning is proving useful in the field of digital marketing and may very well be the future. In any case, digital marketers will leverage machine learning technology more in the future and will rely heavily on machine learning to improve their campaigns.

How do I use artificial intelligence in digital marketing to generate more traffic on my website?

Artificial intelligence is a technology that will be ruling the internet world in the future. So there are a number of ways where we can make use of artificial intelligence in digital marketing.

  • Use it in the creation and generation of your content.
  • Use it in Email Marketing methods.
  • Use it in Digital Advertising as Facebook and Google have.
  • Use in PPC Adwords campaigns in the majority which can drive you more traffic.
  • Use in Searches like voice searches.
  • Use in Chatbots for the website.
  • Use in User Experience(UX) of your website.


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About Author

Ruby is an IT Engineer | Blogger | Digital marketer who offers Copywriting, ghostwriting, and blogging services to provide digital marketing content that gains social media attention and increases search engine visibility.

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