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Let’s face it, job interviews can bring out the best (and sometimes the worst) in people. One of the most common lies told in job interviews involves inflating one’s abilities. This can range from claiming proficiency in a software or skill set to outright fabricating experiences. Not only is this dishonest, but it can also lead to significant challenges once the employee is hired and expected to perform at the claimed level.
Here are three common lies that job seekers tell:
Question 1: How do you handle pressure?
Response: I can multitask, and i can work well under pressure.
Truth is : I can work under pressure, but not die for you company.
Question 2: Where do you see yourself in 5 year of time?
Response: I see myself still working for your company, in a bigger role.
Truth is: I’m using this job for experience, to get into bigger companies.
Question: Why do you want to work in our company?
Response: Because this is my dream job.
Truth is: please, help me. I really need money.