Conquer Every Corner with 360 Digital Marketing Services
8 months ago3 years ago -
You can create and share a new job post or share an existing job post associated with your organization’s LinkedIn Page from your homepage or profile using the Share That You’re Hiring feature.
Here are some important things to keep in mind:
The COVID-19 pandemic has massively disrupted our global economy and workforce. More than 140 million are out of work and another 1.6 billion are at risk of income loss, while many businesses are having to seek new and creative ways to keep the doors open.
As our vision is to create economic opportunity, our goal is to help those affected by the pandemic take the next step forward in their career. That’s why we’re focused on equipping job seekers with the tools they need to connect to open roles and the help of their community, such as an #OpenToWork profile photo frame that signals to hirers they are available for job opportunities.
In parallel, we’re focused on helping our customers – and anyone hiring – get more visibility for their open roles in the most seamless and cost-effective way. We’ve recently introduced two new features to help those hiring more easily share job opportunities and reach LinkedIn’s community of more than 722 million people. These new features — #Hiring and free job postings — will help employers more easily find and hire talent while boosting the volume and visibility of open opportunities for job seekers.
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