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Social media changes the lives of people in many ways since its initiation. But the question is: Is it a boon? Or a bane? Actually, social media is both. Like everything else, it has its cons & pros. There are various best ways to respond and handle the negativity on social media. Though it is beneficial in many uses, there are many other social media problems that trouble us.
Trolls. Antagonists. Haters. Difficult people.
There are many such words that describe social media negativity. You love to see your social media pages filled with positive comments, but in reality, you’ll get attacked complaints, and angry response, hiding behind the cloak of anonymity from time to time. Some of the people will be genuine, not everyone, but how you handle them is very critical. This is a digital age, and life on the Internet is stressful and criticized.
Some respond badly, some panic, and some even avoid social media entirely hoping to avoid situations like that. Badmouthed liked by no one.
But that’s not the solution for any entrepreneurs if you handle the negative comments and reviews poorly on social media like that way. It’s the biggest reputation mistake for your brand, because when someone gives any negative feedback then all your current & potential customers can see it as well as your subsequent response. The majority of your customers are going to read your online reviews and pay attention to how you deal with them. So, before you fire off an angry response, think about the possible repercussions of an impulsive reply.
The best way to respond and handle the negativity on social media are given below:
1. Response to Criticism quickly
One negative comment can spread around the world instantly. The last thing you want your customer to feel angry about is you’re not giving attention to their complaints or concern. A potential customer will take your silence into consideration before buying your services/products. Even you take some time, you can simply post an official statement by saying you’re investigating a situation and will be in touch as soon as possible. Make sure to leave a response once you figured it out.
2. Never Argue with Customer in public
There is a saying “Customers are always right”, you must abide by it when addressing the negative comments on social media. Even though you’re certain and they are wrong, never argue and don’t pick a fight with them because it will backfire. Instead of getting sucked in a public fight, invite them to message you directly or arrange to speak to them by phone to solve the issues. Everyone won’t respond but you will be able to message others that you pay attention to complaints.
3. Be Sincere and Transparent
Mistake happens by humans and most customers will understand them. If you’re the one at fault then make sure you admit it. Do not make excuses. Your delivery driver may have lost, or your supplier may have let you down but a customer doesn’t hear it. Sometimes a simple sorry is all the customer is looking for.
When you find any issue in your services/products then let your customers know you’re aware of it and are working on a solution as soon as possible.
4. Give Discounts if Necessary
Discounts also provide various benefits for your businesses; it pays off in the form of loyal customers and even future business from those customers’ inner social circle because mouth marketing is also powerful in business. Just show them with an extra token of appreciation for your business and giving time to provide feedback.
5. Don’t Delete Comments
It is unlikely to make commenters go away, and it just makes them post more; also bring a question about your business integrity to not only the commenter but to all your other followers too. The negativity contact on social media isn’t that you easily erase. If you find an inappropriate comment above pornography, racist, derogatory, etc. that goes far off-topic then you can just block those users.
6. Ignore the Trolls
Sometimes people come across just to cause trouble for your business. Even you’ve provided a genuine and helpful response, but also getting negative comments then it’s time to ignore them. There is no point in such a case to fueling a fire even you’ve done your best to satisfy them; other customers will sure look past this negativity.
7. Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk
If you do not follow your actions then you’re ending up where you just started and even upset your customers more. Once you start talking with your customer out of the public spot, then just make sure you understand their problem and the next step is to fix it. If you treating them a good way following through on your promises then it is possible that you can convert them into good and long-term advocates for your company.
You can also use various online marketing tools to manage your negative comments and review.
Google Alert is a free tool with basic features that allow monitoring of the mention. You can also watch negative comments on social media and see which sites say about your rivals.
Brandwatch helps to monitor mentions of your brands as well as understand customer perception, measure brand exposure, and spot changes in sentiments.
Ahref is used for brand monitoring and works more efficiently than alerts by Google.
Socialpilot is helping to manage social media scheduling & publishing from one place to another. Also, keep tracking positive and negative reviews better. This is perfect for agencies and social media professionals.
Remember that if you manage your negative comments in the right way then it is not a big issue. Multiple companies get dozens of bad feedbacks daily, but it does not affect their reputation and revenues. Just you have to deal with your angry customers in the right way. Then no one can stop you back to make your company grow and succeed how you dreamed about.