4 years ago -


Have you ever completed a book and find it useful that you ever wish why you dint read it earlier in your life? Did I ever read this book? Some, yes but most no. These are some top 10 books I wish I read earlier in life because they have positively changed the way I live my life.

1. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*CK by Mark Manson

This is the book that guides you to deal with your life when things get F*cked up! This book shows all about “how to handle life’s inevitable disappointments and painful moments and keep moving forward no matter what”. After reading the book where I’ve listed all life lessons that inspired me.


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Rating: 675,081

Reviews: 40,309

2. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

This book explains how habits are formed and changed. How did anyone form some habit? They formed new habits and changed the old ones. Then, it comes a habit, whether it is good or bad. Everyone has some habits which they extremely want to change. Habits play an important role in changing our future. This book will explain exactly why and how to use your habits in a good way.

The Power of Habit

From Goodreads,

Rating: 398,369

Reviews: 18,952

3. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

This book is useful for both businesses and individuals with an absolute masterpiece i.e., easy-to-follow tips. It will teach you to “put first things first” and “begin with the end in mind”. This is a wonderful book that wants to get closer to the ideal being a success, how to live alive effectively, and education for people.


From Goodreads,

Rating: 595,059

Reviews: 11,743

4. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

The power of Now gives the best life lessons and shows you a super applicable way to integrate them into your life from wide-ranging spiritual religions like Christianity and Buddhism.

More commitment, more inner peace, and moments of enlightenment. Above all else, you’ll be on the right path!

The power of now

From Goodreads,

Rating: 251,922

Reviews: 11,304

5. Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl

  • Cannot avoid suffering in our life, else we can choose how to cope with it.
  • Find the meaning and move forward in your life with renewed purpose.
  • Inspire us to find the significance in act of living.
  • Without any meaning, hope, a future, death will come soon.
  • You can resist your environment’s influence.
  • You can get used to anything and so much more. I can’t even begin to scratch the surface of how essential this book is for every human being to read.
Man's searching for a meaning

From Goodreads,

Rating: 489,360

Reviews: 26,368

6. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

  • The books say “wins an argument is to avoid it”.
  • Avoid complaining, criticizing others, or condemning.
  • Always remember the names of your surrounding ones, and don’t forget to make the other people feel important.
  • The tips in this book are worth mastering to integrate into your life.
How to win Friends and influence people

From Goodreads,

Rating: 723,542

Reviews: 17,962

7. Bossypants by Tina Fey

Bossypants by Tina Fey isn’t a memoir; it is a spiky blend of humor, critical thinking & introspection. This was also revolutionary and elevated this memoir to a whole new level.

She reveals and proves what we’ve always suspected; You’re no one until someone calls you bossy.

10 books I wish I read earlier in life

From Goodreads,

Rating: 909,264

Reviews: 40,156

8. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho has inspired a devoted following around the whole world with his writings. The story in the book “The Alchemist”, dazzling in its powerful soul-stirring wisdom, simplicity about a shepherd boy who travels from his homeland to the Egyptian desert in search of a treasure buried near the pyramids.

The Alchemist- top 10 books

From Goodreads,

Rating: 2,347,035

Reviews: 89,976

9. The China Study by Thomas Campbell, T. Colin Campbell

This book shows the connection between nutrition, and diseases like coronary heart disease, cancer (bowel cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer), and diabetes.

The China study is a story that needs to be heard by anyone, and a highly readable one.

The China Study

From Goodreads,

Rating: 26,870

Reviews: 2,806

10. What Color is Your Parachute by Richard N. Bolles

Job-Market in today’s challenging world, people are in search of an inspiring work-life change, workers are laid off mid-career is needed more than ever. What Color is Your Parachute updates you with the latest surprising advice on what works, strategies, resources, and perspectives on today’s job digital market

Career changers and job-hunters will have gotten all the tools they need to discover to land their dream job.

Top 10 books i wish i had read earlier in life

From Goodreads

Reviews: 970

Ratings: 14,686

You can also read others important readable books which are mentioned below:

  • Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter.
  • The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
  • To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
  • The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
  • 1984 by George Orwell

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About Author

Ruby is an IT Engineer | Blogger | Digital marketer who offers Copywriting, ghostwriting, and blogging services to provide digital marketing content that gains social media attention and increases search engine visibility.

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