High-converting Types of Ads strategy examples

3 weeks ago -

High-converting Types of Ads strategy examples

To make Meta Ads that convert, you will need to make sure of a strategic combination of ad types aimed at every stage of the buyer’s journey. Let me get right to the point: running non-converting ads has the feeling of saving water in a crackpot. But here is the thing: your audience is at different stages of their buying journey, and your ads should meet them there.

The call-them-out ads strategy helps your buyer see what is standing between them and their success. Your copy will then show them that your offer removes the barrier to success. These types of ads address what’s holding your buyer back from achieving success. The goal is to position your offer as the solution to their problem.

Problem: Overwhelming work or tasks without an efficient tool to manage them.

Creative Tip: Highlight the pain point in your visuals to grab attention.

Copy Tip: Show sympathy by acknowledging their challenge and clearly explain how your solution removes that barrier.


  • “Business stuck online? Softbenz Infosys delivers strategies that drive real results.”
  • “Tired of spending hours on tasks that should take minutes? We got you.” (Visual: A stressed-out individual juggling various apps vs. a peaceful person using your brand)

The social proof ads strategy shows your buyer how your methods have helped you, and others achieve success. These ads work to establish trust by showing others who have benefited from your product or service.

Social Proof: Showing testimonials or success stories from local customers.

Creative Tip: Include user-generated content or testimonials within your creative.

Copy tip: Highlight success stories and relatable customer transformations.


  • “If 500+ people are loving it, maybe it’s time you tried it too.”)

The problem-aware meta-ads strategy leads to the symptoms your buyer is experiencing. Your copy shows them the problem that is causing the symptoms, then positions your offer as the solution. This type of ad targets customers who are aware of a problem yet don’t know how to deal with it. Your creativity should help them understand the problems a little better while giving a hint at the solution.

Problem: Small business owners struggling to grow or manage their business efficiently.

Creative Tip: Use visuals that represent the problem in detail.

Copy Tip: Lead with a relatable scenario and softly introduce your solution.


  • “💔 नि:सन्तानपनको पीडा? तपाईंको आमा बन्ने सपना Hardik IVF मा पूरा …..विशेषज्ञ उपचार | अनुभवी डाक्टर”
  • “Burned out from managing everything yourself? Let’s show you a better way.” (Visual: A small shop struggling with sales vs. a shop owner using Digital Solution)

The solution-aware meta ad is the ad targeting buyers who are aware of possible solutions but have not found the right one. Your objective is to present your product or service as the best choice.

Solution: Businesses looking for an effective way to market themselves.

Creative Tip: Imagine the key features and key benefits.

Copy Tip: Always underline what’s different from competitors, using social proof where possible.


  • Want to secure your indoor spaces and property? Ensure Your Safety with NightVisio F7-Netra CCTV!
  • “Looking for an affordable solar solution? Nepal Solar Solutions powers your home without burning your wallet.”

The desire-based meta ads directly call out your buyer’s desires. The ad copy shows them how your offer can help them achieve those desires. This is actually what feeds your targeted audience with what they desire, besides emotionally connecting them with it. You offer them a dream result and not just a solution.

Desire: A better lifestyle, financial freedom, or self-improvement.

Creative Tip: Speak to their dreams, not just their wallets.

Copy Tip: Paint a picture of what their ideal transformation will look and feel like.

Example: “Invest small, earn big with NIBL SIP Plan. Smart savings | High returns. Start today for a secure tomorrow! ” (Visual: A happy Nepali family enjoying a comfortable life)

The name speaks for itself! No nonsense! Be as salesy as you want here. The straight-sell meta ads are just an out-and-out “buy now” approach. follow this up with ad copy that clearly articulates the value of your offer for your buyer

Creative Tip: Use bold visuals and CTA buttons.

Copy Tip: You need to express clearly the value and urgency behind your offer.

Example: “Get 40% off today — because why wait for success?”

When you strategically set up these 6 meta ad types strategy to achieve your target audience through this journey, they will be primed for conversions. Match each stage with specific creative and copy, and suddenly, your meta ads will generate exceptional results!

Mixing these ad types keeps your audience engaged and nudges them toward action. Which one’s missing from YOUR strategy? Let’s share in the comments!

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About Author

Ruby is an IT Engineer | Blogger | Digital marketer who offers Copywriting, ghostwriting, and blogging services to provide digital marketing content that gains social media attention and increases search engine visibility.

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