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To start advertising on Facebook, the first step is to step up your Facebook Advertising Account. To do that, all you need to do is Create Facebook Business Manager Account.
Facebook Business Manager is a site owned by Facebook that manages ad accounts, pages, and the people who work on them- all in one place. It is a free tool. It allows you to keep your business activities separate from your personal activities which are great already.
“Facebook Business Manager is a free tool website, owned by Facebook to manages ad accounts, pages, and the people who work on them- all in one place.”
If you’re a Facebook page owner, you’re the only person working on that page and you also the only person running ads in the page, and attached to that page. You’re probably not going to need to use a business manager which is only name as Business Portfolio.
If you want to become a freelancer or you want to hire freelancers to work on your Facebook ads or you’ve employees who are working on various FB pages; in that case, you’re going to use Business Manager as a tool daily.
If you want to create separate accounts for every client that severe, it allows you in business manager to do that. And you can pay for ads with different payments methods, and organize by objective for reporting.
You need a Business Manager if you want to access pages or accounts. All you need to do is to get access to their pages and ad account, & run ads on behalf of them by becoming an analyst or advertiser.
Get permission to assigns a lot of people working together to assign specific role-based access to an ad account, pages, and other assets.
Finally, a business manager will give you business-level Insight and reporting.
To add your Facebook page to Business Manager account, and first, Click Account tab where you can select add and then click ‘add a page‘.
Once you’ve created your business manager account and added any Ad account page or other assets, the next steps are to manage roles and permissions for those Ad accounts and pages you’ve added in.
You want to make sure that the right people access the right pages in the ad account to start working on them.
If you had an e-commerce business had a product catalog uploaded to an ad manager account then that would appear here and you would allow them to run things like dynamic products ads, etc. or you can just skip it.
Then the person has been notified by email that would have been emailed by email sent to this. And also, you can cancel the invitation. If you’re interested in more information then click the website here.
Go to the Business setting where you can create an ad account for your business. You can able to set up and run ads on Facebook, and Instagram.