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8 months ago4 years ago -
2020 is near to its end…. Ugh!
People will remember this year for the rest of their lives. This year will most likely stay in many hearts for a long time. People have learned about self-care, Family, Money, Relationship & Life. 2020 will remind all of us, as Humanity, how precious & fragile our life is. We will gonna tell our Child, Grand-Child, “What we got through in 2020”, “What we did”, “How stressful this year was”.
A couple of weeks ago, my friends and I are gathering for Christmas Eve and suddenly question asked, “What have been your life lessons from 2020?”. They started sharing the multiple thoughts and experiences they went through. After spending that night, I condensed all those good/bad experiences & thoughts along with mine as well.
Here are five valuable lessons from 2020.
I have learned to be very careful about my spending. I was very shopaholic, and I never good at saving my money. This 2020 really punished me for it. I learned a new phone can wait, new trendy clothes, shoes can wait. I can’t make that mistake again.
People often used to say that Money doesn’t bring happiness. Well, maybe that’s true. But, a lack of Money can sure bring a lot of un-Happiness in your life. Anyone who has been care less about your financial habits, then 2020 has been a wake-up call for sure.
I have learned that I’m much more resilient than I thought. To be honest, this pandemic has not been kind to me. I started a mental breakdown, disappointed by friends & loved ones. Despite having all this, I become stronger than ever.
We have seen not all days are sunshine & rainbows. It’s okay not to be okay every time. People are not robots who programmed to be happy 24/7. When we go through difficult times, people leave us; what we left behind is our own shelf. During this time, we realize our inner strength and power to fight every hard and difficult situation that we face. The wise thing is to prepared to face the ups and downs in your lives and not every person who enters your life stays with you.
In 2020, with the Coronavirus outbreak, the whole World becomes uncertain, chaotic & suddenly changed everything. We have changed our daily habits, attitudes, and customs. Many people lose their life all of sudden due to coronavirus. Masks and sanitizers become our new outfit. We had celebrated the festive differently. Surely, we didn’t ask for and expect this. It was all forced upon all of us. It was tough, Nah? But the truth is Change is natural in our human condition. If we stuck on the same thing, how could we expect self-improvement and personal growth in our life? And, that’s not exciting at all, right?
Life shows us multicolored. Everything changes and nothing is still. We will never know what is happen next? You cannot deny or ignore the changes, but if you try it only cause you pain and makes you unhappy nothing more. So, a solution is to accept and embrace the changes. This can be your incredible opportunity to grow if you are willing to grow.
People have misconceptions about taking a break means being lazy. The thing is life is not always staying productive as you want, just leave alone for sometimes in an uncertain time like 2020. Pushing yourself too hard won’t help you to get what you want. So, better! Why not slow down? Take a break and recharge yourself, right? It is okay if you have come out with extra pounds of weights, an unchecked to-do list, etc. Sometimes it’s better to rest, enjoy & have fun with your loved ones, read books, make time for your parents. Take a break until you are you again.
We do what we do. There is one saying in Nepali, “खाने मुखलाई जुंगाले छेक्दैन…”. Because you won’t, right? I always kidded myself that if I had enough time, I’d get covered all my course books, learn new makeup things, write a lot of blogs, research more…. Instead, in lockdown, I ended up without touching my book, no makeup, getting lazier this year than any other year.
People moan and bitch that they don’t have enough time, but it is rarely a problem of time; usually, the problem is the priorities. They love to spend hours and hours scrolling through the Facebook feed, Instagram, any other social media sites, and watching Netflix. Then they complain about they don’t have enough time. People must learn, “People with a lot of time in their hands doesn’t make them productive unless they really choose to be”.