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Here are the top 10 Ways “How to Convince small businesses About Social Media Marketing“. How Social Media is Changing the Way Humans Interact with Each Other & Digital Technology. From small BUSINESSES to large corporations, companies are recognizing the need to engage with their customers and potential customers on social media in order to build brand awareness, generate leads, and drive sales. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of social media marketing for businesses and how to convince them to invest in this valuable tool.
Everyone talks about how social media builds brand and product awareness, but what does that mean, and how does it do that? The goal of any business is to create new customers, and the first step is to let them know you exist. The second is to make them your friends because people buy from people – and brands – they like. That’s exactly what social media does.
Top 10 Ways to Convince small businesses About Social Media Marketing
Social media is everywhere. From the living room to the Internet, social media has become an integral part of our everyday lives. The sheer volume of posts, pictures and videos we share every day has made it easier than ever to stay connected with friends and family.
And we all know how important social media messages are to your business. You never know what someone sees, shares or reads on the internet. It is always best to monitor the most popular platforms in order to stay one step ahead of potential customers and their potential views.
My agency gets inquiries from big brands and small startups alike because social media has created an even playing field on which brands, businesses and organizations can now compete. The advantage is still with larger, more established brands, simply because they started with existing fan bases and may have larger budgets for media spending. That just means you may have to be more creative and work harder to reach the same audience.
But that is a problem that exists for all brands. As we mentioned at the beginning of this piece, we’ve been working with a number of brands in social that use Facebook and YouTube to their advantage. If you have a big brand and you want to increase your reach, the best way is to set up something that both you and the audience can use. You’re going to have the opportunity to get more people to your page or to subscribe to a mailing list or a newsletter.
The idea is simple: You want to scare the people you can’t afford to lose. Then you attack them, so they feel like they have a better chance against you. It’s a strategy that has worked well in a number of wars, and it may work even better in this one. Let’s take a look at it. [The Cold War Approach] is one of the top 10 ways to convince small businesses about social media marketing.
Consumers have more and more options to search online. How are they looking? Most likely, online search is one of the top ways. Social media can affect organic Google search results as well as be an entry point to your website, microsite, or promo page. YouTube is the second largest search engine, meaning videos get ranked high in Google results. Google Images may provide a keyword-rich image resource for your product images, just make sure there’s a link back to your site. Higher levels of social media engagement can help you rank higher in Google searches.
Through a rigorous process of creating content, sharing and interacting, you’ll learn what’s important to your consumers. This builds brand and product loyalty as you jump in and discuss new ways of doing things better, measuring responses along the way. Smart social media marketers know when to stay the course and when to adjust fire. One way of doing this is to be actively engaged with the audience through ongoing engagement such as answering questions or replying live on the platform.
Measure the impact of social media activity in the context of real-world business results. While analytics can provide a window into your success and help you measure your progress, without proper validation or strategy in place, it can also allow for dangerous misinterpretation. By using analytics to determine how best to implement different programs, social media metrics can provide you with high-level data that can help make the decision between success and failure.
Social media is crucial for sharing content, whether the latest news or a new product launch. But this is only possible when you have an engaging media strategy and are prepared to share it on all possible channels. A central part of social media is creating, managing and sharing content like videos, articles, photos, graphics and social media updates.
The only way to share a print ad is to physically hand it to a friend. The only way to share a TV ad on the TV is to Tivo it and invite your friend over to watch it. Who does that? Nobody does that. You can create and share content like videos, articles, photos, graphics and social media updates instantly without any physical interaction with friends.
Social media content typically goes online and stays there indefinitely. As such, it’s the perfect way to expand your reach and position your brand in search results on Google. By using social media as a method to get links to your website, you can ensure that visitors arrive at your site directly from their social circles and then they might visit your site even more. What’s more, is that you have a constant stream of content flowing through search engines that will keep people linked back to your website for longer than traditional ads or publications.
Relevancy and virality is the key to delivering marketing value. As you create content, look for opportunities to repurpose that content where it’s likely to be read, shared, or commented upon. Recycle content into multiple channels for maximum reach and exposure. This is also one of the coolest top 10 ways to convince small businesses about social media marketing to grow their business.
To convince small businesses about social media marketing is to call-to-action ways. If you’re staring at a billboard, watching a TV ad, or leafing through a magazine, you can’t just “buy now.” You have to go somewhere else. Properly set up and executed, consumers should never be more than one click away from the opportunity to buy – or at least learn more about – the product or service you are selling.
Social media is not just fun, it’s a way to communicate with your brand’s customers. And it can be used to take their relationship with your brand one step further than they could ever do by themselves. Unfortunately, many “social media experts” are wasting clients’ time and money playing around with social media in a way that will never lead to any sales. Make it clear to your boss or partners that social media is a way of selling more products and services, not just interacting for the fun of it.
Armed with these talking points you can convince anyone of the value of social media, and we’re here to help. If you need more convincing to buy a new business phone system, give me a shout!
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