Top 10 List of Non Profit organizations in Nepal: Careers in INGOs

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Top 10 List of Non Profit organizations in Nepal: Careers in INGOs

Nepal is a country of wonders. At the same time, Nepal is also a country with quite a lot of problems. Thankfully we have many other active list of non profit organizations in Nepal working to solve these issues. These organizations work for social welfare, education, environment protection, human rights, poverty alleviation, disaster management, etc. They also provide services to people living with disabilities, women, children, the elderly, and other vulnerable groups.

What are non-profit organizations?

In layman’s terms, non-profit organizations are meant to perform tasks and provide services for social benefit without taking the incentive to make a profit. 

In these types of organizations, any and every revenue they generate must be used to fulfill the organization’s purpose. These revenues cannot be taken in by any personal parties or used for other non-purpose-related activities. The salary/ wages of the people working in these organizations are considered a cost of doing the activity. 

This is the only exception where the people use the funds instead of services. 

For instance, if a non-profit organization is meant to provide sanitation services to society, they must use every single one of their earnings and funds to provide the sanitation services. The organization spends every single one of its budget on purchasing the inventories necessary to provide sanitation and improve their services except for the wages/ salary provided to their workers.

Role of ngos and ingos in Nepal

The Media term for the INGOs is dollar farming. However, INGOs and NGOs are making a big difference in rural Nepal by providing basic services such as health, drinking water, sanitation, energy and disaster training to the poor and marginalized. , this is not real. , agriculture, environment, education and livelihood programs.
Because of INGOs and NGOs, transformed the agricultural sector in rural areas. They help local people grow vegetables. They help build cable cars, micro-hydro power plants, health stations, and more. They are also active in raising awareness and supporting campaigns against social ills. You did something for the people of Nepal. This cannot be ignored.

We have to accept the fact that the role of INGOs and NGOs in Nepal is very important in raising awareness. Thanks to the programs they have started, people in rural areas of the country know their rights and responsibilities. They are also educating Nepali citizens on the role of the state. Whether in education or health, NGOs and INGOs have assisted the Government of Nepal in these areas. We also actively support programs against HIV/AIDS, human trafficking and child abuse.

How many NGOs are there in Nepal?

The number of NGOs in Nepal is growing rapidly. There are approximately 6,000 government-sanctioned NGOs. In Nepal, he is estimated to have over 15,000 NGOs operating in various sectors. Since Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world, the development of grassroots NGOs seems essential. NGOs play a central role in the country’s socio-economic structure.

The government’s commitment to developing the NGO sector is also creating a favorable environment for the increasing number and growth of these non-profit organizations. With the prosperity of NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) in Nepal, almost all Nepalese seem to know about NGOs, their functions, and their importance to the development of the country and all people.

How many INGOs are there in Nepal?

In cooperation with the appropriate ministry or agency of the Government of Nepal, SWC enables INGOs wishing to operate in Nepal to secure project contracts in the country in collaboration with relevant ministries or government agencies. Currently, 107 INGOs are registered with his SWC, 10 of which are German.

An example is a group of INGOs established “under the auspices of UNESCO”.

  • International Music Council
  • International Political Science Association.
  • International Social Science Council.
  • International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies.
  • Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences.

Top 10 non-profit organizations in Nepal

There is a lot of list of non profit organizations in Nepal. According to Global Givings, there are 126 different non-profit organizations in Nepal as of 2022. Despite this, there are a few that stand out. Here we will be looking at 10 of these organizations. 

Do note that despite the ones below being the top 10 list of non profit organizations in Nepal, every organization is vital for the better development of our country. With this being cleared, let’s move into the list. 

1. Aama Samuha

aama samuha ngo/ingos
  • Established in: April 3 – 2001
  • Purpose of the organization: Spread awareness about Women’s Rights

Ama samuha is among the best-known non-profit organization in Nepal. Established in the Western Development Region (Now provinces 2,6, and 7), the primary aim of this organization is to spread awareness about Woman rights in Nepal. Many women are still oppressed in the rural areas, and they still have no idea about their own rights. 

Aama samuha carries out awareness programs and meetings to make the women of rural areas aware of what they can do and their treatment. Some of the activities carried out by Aama samuha are:

  • Awareness programs about women’s rights
  • Organize support groups for women
  • Organize relief operations for oppressed women

2. Child Workers in Nepal (CWIN)

Top 10 non-profit organizations in Nepal
  • Established on: January 1 – 1987
  • Purpose of the organization: provide support and relief for children at risk, such as Child workers and street children

As its name suggests, CWIN is a non-profit organization primarily meant to provide relief for child workers in Nepal. However, since its establishment, its target has expanded from child workers to every child in need, including but not limited to child laborers, street children, abandoned children and every child at risk. 

Although it is somewhat sad, tons of children are constantly at risk in Nepal, and CWIN is a necessary organization to protect our future generations. 

Some activities carried out by CWIN are:

  • Started a campaign to prevent child labor
  • Established CWIN children home; a transit center for children at risk
  • Established Self-reliance Center to assist young women at risk
  • Helped to establish the first child labor act in Nepal. 

3. DidiBahini

didibahini ngo/ingos
  • Established in: 1992
  • Purpose of the organization: Gener Equality and social injustice

Contrary to what its name suggests, Didibahini, the non-profit organization is not just meant for women. Although this organization initially provided support for women, it has expanded its support to women, youth and gender-sensitive men. This organization has actively promoted gender equality and provided a lot of support for the abused and oppressed. 

Some of the projects done by DidiBahnini are:

  • Peace Enabling Awareness and Conflict Transformation Enterprise (PEACE)
  • Education for political empowerment of women
  • Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (RWSS)

4. Maiti Nepal

Top 10 non-profit organizations in Nepal
  • Established in: April – 1993
  • Purpose of the organization: Human Trafficking, violence against women and children

Although slavery is technically outlawed, thousands of children and women are still treated as slaves and sold worldwide through various channels. Maiti Nepal is one such non-profit organization whose aim is to end this trade of human lives in the black market and save them from a life of hell. 

As you can expect from a top non-profit organization, they have saved thousands of lives and provided support to uncountable childer and women. 

Their primary objectives are:

  • Aware people about the existence and risk of human trafficking and  child abuse 
  • Counsel, support and teach the rescued children and women to empower them
  • Legal services for the rescued women and children
  • Provide Rehab services for the rescued 

5. Rural Reconstruction Nepal (RRN)

  • Established in: April – 1989
  • Purpose of the organization: Empower people in Rural area

As their name suggests, RRN organization was established to provide overall development services in the rural areas of Nepal. According to some estimates, more than 79% of Nepal is still considered a rural area is lacking basic infrastructure and services. Therefore non-profit organizations such as RRN are vital to the growth of Nepal. 

With an objective to provide overall development in rural areas of Nepal, they have conducted and organized several activities in the past. Some of their current ongoing projects are:

  • Smallholder’s Empowerment by Entrepreneurship (in Agriculture) Development in Dolakha, Nepal – “SEED”
  • Rural Women’s Initiatives for Sustainable Livelihood and Reproductive Health Improvement Programme (WISLRP)
  • Nepal Emergency Relief Fund (NERF)

6. World Wildlife Fund Nepal (WWF Nepal)  

  • Established in: April – 1967
  • Purpose of the organization: Save Nature and help degradation of Flora and Fauna

WWF Nepal is one of the widely known non-profit organizations in Nepal. Just about everybody knows that this is an organization that was established to protect and prevent the natural degradation of Nepal. This includes:

  • Preserving natural biodiversity
  • Helping to control pollution 
  • Spreading awareness campaigns about sustainable natural resources
  • Educating people about the consequences and methods to prevent natural degradation

7. Nepal Red Cross Society

list of non profit organizations in Nepal
  • Established on: September 4, 1963
  • Purpose of the organization: Provide medical support during emergencies through community participation

We all know what this non-profit organization does. In fact, the Nepal Red Cross Society is one of the widely known NGOs in Nepal. Nepal red cross society is widely known for its support in improving the overall health quality of Nepal as well as their support during emergencies. They are also known for spreading awareness about first aid and their effort in blood donation activities in Nepal.

Some of the activities done by the Nepal Red Cross Society are:

  • Provide relief during disasters 
  • Aware people about healthy activities
  • Promote gender equality and social inclusion

8. ActionAid Nepal

list of non profit organizations in Nepal: Action aid NPO
  • Established in: 1982
  • Purpose of the organization: Poverty eradication, Social justice and Gender Equality

This is another organization constantly working for social justice and gender equality in Nepal. Established to eradicate violence against women and provide publication education for a better future, females lead one of the few organizations.

Some of the priorities of ActionAid Nepal are:

  • Provide public education along with basic rights to every child
  • Promote sustainable economic activities
  • Helps in resisting disasters


unesco: list of non profit organizations in Nepal
  • Established in: 1998 (In Kathmandu)
  • Purpose of the organization: Preserving culture, Removing poverty, Promoting Peace

This INGO is one of the best-known and Top 10 list of non profit organizations in Nepal and globally. In Nepal, this organization focuses on women’s empowerment and literacy along with preserving the cultural heritage locations. Widely known for its effort to preserve Nepal’s cultural and heritage sites, this INGO does more than just this. Some of the activities done by UNESCO in Nepal are:

  • Rehabilitation of Cultural Heritage
  • Promotion of Cultural Diversity
  • Promote press freedom 
  • Media Development 

10. Prayas Nepal

  • Established in: 2003
  • Purpose of the organization: Child rights protection, healthcare and education for the underprivileged

Prayatnashil Community Development Society or Prayas Nepal is also of top 10 list of non profit organization in Nepal that aims to create an environment that promotes sustainable livelihood. It also aims to upgrade the life of people who lack basic privileges, such as those living under the poverty line, discriminated against, outcastes and people of rural areas. 

With the core value of equity, equality, transparent love and awareness, they hold the primary objectives of:

  • Enhancing the livelihood of underprivileged
  • Increase access to basic amenities like safe water and sanitation
  • Protect human rights, especially those of the elderly, women and children
  • Disaster management programs

Some recent careers in NGOs/ INGOs

Although NGOs and INGOs don’t have the best pay, getting employed in an INGO/ NGO can provide you with some of the best opportunities for networking, experience, and growth in your professional life.

When it comes to a career, salary is important, but to earn good, you need to have a good network and skillset and adequate experience. This makes NGOs and INGOs some of the most lucrative places to get employed. Some of the growing careers in NGO/INGOs are:

  • Program Officer: If you are aiming for this job, you must oversee program development, seek grants and see the overall development of the program you are involved in. 
  • Project Manager:  Similar to program managers, a project manager needs to oversee the project they are involved in. This includes responsibilities such as planning and designing the flow of the project, managing budgets, along keeping the information channel running. 
  • Fundraising Officer: As its name suggests, Fundraising officers are responsible for redeveloping and overseeing the overall fundraising project and program. This includes researching potential fundraising opportunities. promoting engagement and developing relationships with individuals of communities and handling the general PR of the organization
  • Social Worker: This job entails doing the groundwork for social development programs. It may include providing manual labor, logistic support, counseling support, and resource and intelligence gathering. They are the core members and foot soldiers of every NGO and INGOs.
  • Logistics Officer: This job entails providing logistic support to the entire organization or the branch you are part of. It includes coordinating and directing employees, monitoring the activities of parties involved in the project, etc.

The conclusion 

There are many list of Non Profit organizations in Nepal that are essential to every country. They are a vital part of Nepal as well. Here we talked about Nepal’s top 10 NPO (Non-profit organizations), along with five careers that are rising in popularity. 

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Ruby is an IT Engineer | Blogger | Digital marketer who offers Copywriting, ghostwriting, and blogging services to provide digital marketing content that gains social media attention and increases search engine visibility.

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