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Are You Embarrassed By Your 7 KEYS FOR FACEBOOK ADVERTISING SUCCESS Skills? Here’s What To Do…
How can Facebook Ads help you target the right people? How can you make ads more successful? Facebook is a very powerful and the easiest tool to market successfully. As I mentioned in my previous post, almost 3 billion monthly active users on FB, so Facebook is useful for marketers who use its ad platform.

Before creating your Facebook ads, you need to be very careful and understand the 7 keys to Facebook advertising success. Why you should care about Facebook Ads in the first place? Well, it is for external traffic (visitors who come from the outside of the site. Facebook ads can be difficult and tricky for beginner advertisers. But with the time being and experience, you can run ads without mistakes, frustration and a lot of wasted ad spend. For that, you need to know the following 7 keys for effective Facebook advertising; and you can create high-performance campaigns for your business.

  1. Targeting
  2. Funnels
  3. Ad Formats
  4. Budgeting
  5. Ad Creative
  6. Split Testing
  7. Tracking and Reporting

Also read: Pros and cons of using Facebook for Marketing in your Business

  1. Targeting

Targeting is the first success key for Facebook advertising which helps your ads get in front of the right audience. To target, the right audience is very important because as I mentioned earlier there are a massive number of different kinds of audiences on Facebook, with over 3 billion monthly active users.

3 ways to target ads on Facebook.

  • Core Targeting
  • Custom Audience
  • Lookalike Audience

Core Targeting

Core Targeting is well-defined and can be broad how advertisers like.

This is considered as the entry-level in Facebook ads targeting to target your ads in front of an audience who may be near you in a radius based on demographics, location, age, gender, what FB page they like, what they interested in, hobbies, else or their behavior online and if they’re connected to your FB page or not. This data is pulled by Facebook which is shared in your profile and behaviors you exhibit because people usually share information about themselves.

To create a Core Audience, you‘ll be able to go directly on Facebook and target the relevant areas you offer:

  • Go to the Audience section on your FB page
  • Select the location which helps to get your ad who live in the area’s relevant areas to your product or business (i.e., cities, states, zip code)
  • Select the Interest section where you can target the people based on the information they share on FB
  • Select the Behaviors section where you can target people based on other interests. E.g., what type of device they use, how they shop, etc.
  • Other targeting options are based on demographics, behaviors, who already like your page, or people who aren’t connected to your page.
7keys for Facebook advertising success

If you want some detailed about Core Targeting then click the website here.

Custom Audience
Facebook Custom Audience is another powerful ad targeting option that helps to find your existing audiences among the people on Facebook. It makes it easier to reconnect with the people on FB who have already shown interest and relationship with, your business and products. Instead of targeting the people who haven’t heard anything about your business, maybe there is a much better chance to get a sale if you target the people who’d already been to your site or business.
There are types of Custom Audiences that you can create are:
Website Custom Audience
First, install Facebook Pixel on your Website so that FB can match the site visitors to their FB profiles, and with the help of this information, you can create a custom audience that targets the website visitors.
Customer list Custom Audience
These lists offer you to let FB know about the existing relationships you have with your customers which cannot be mapped through Facebook engagement or Facebook Pixels.
Engagement Custom Audience
Allows you to target the people on Facebook who have already interacted with your business
App activity Custom Audience
This is used for app engagement campaigns, where you can target the people who have downloaded your app, who have made purchases, or who have achieved a certain level in your game.
Up to 500 custom audiences you can create per ad account.

For example: suppose take an example an e-commerce website to remarket the people who had visited our online shop. You can do that by using this type of remarketing called Dynamic Product Remarketing.

Lookalike Audience
You can use Lookalike’s audience to target the people who were already interacted with your business like your current customer’s website visitors or Facebook fans. This allows scaling your marketing efforts extremely efficiently.
What they actually do is

Use your source audience to find similar people on Facebook. You can create a lookalike audience based on a custom audience of people who have visited your website or people who already like your Page (you need a minimum of 1,000 contacts list).

E.g. You had a source audience of 10,000 people and you want to scale it into a targeted audience of 2 million people who were similar to that audience of 10,000 people who had already visited your website.

How start from Scratch?

Core Targeting -> Custom Audience -> Lookalike Audience

First, you need to run an ad starting using Core targeting interests that type of stuff then you get those people which maybe come to your website or have a look at your app you can create Custom audience of those people and then on the back of that, you could create a lookalike audience. This is a process that you can build up and take an advantage of all these types of audiences even if you start from scratch.

7keys for Facebook advertising success

2. Funnels

Facebook Funnels is also a marketing strategy that helps to increase ROI, generate new leads and grow your business. People first become aware of your product then they actually consider taking an action like watching a video or visiting your website. And finally, they will converge make a sale or sign up or visit your store/business in person. These are marketing funnels.
In Google, we don’t talk a lot about funnels. Because people are already decided to buy anything or are interested in them so they google or searching them on Google ads. Whereas in Facebook, people are really there to connect with family and friends, and so, you may need to make people more aware of your product first and then start to move them down the funnel towards the sales.

7keys for facebook advertising success
  • If you want to get sales for an E-Book an online course. First, you need to start and get some traffic to a landing page where you give away a free e-book or something like that. Then people start to pop their mail address, and you get the information and finally, you can start an email sales funnel to get sales.

Traffic > Email Leads > Sales via E-mail marketing

  • If you’re an online Coach or a local business lawyer, what you could do is create a Lead ad and give away a PDF or an option for a free 15 minutes consultation. Then people pop in their email address, you do is the consultation over the phone and make the sale at the end of that.

Lead Ad > Free Consultation > Sales Over Phone

  • You can also set up a phone or something like people to watch a video by showing the new features of an app that you’ve released and people having a lot of fun with it. Then, you could remarket to those people who watch the videos to install the app.

Video Views > App Install View Custom Audience

3. Ad Formats

This is the 3rd key to success with Facebook Marketing advertising, to match the ad format to the campaign objective. If you want to get traffic to your website or landing page, you should use an image, link, or carousel. If you want to get video views, then use a video, and for lead generation, use leads out in and lead out a form.

  • Traffic: Link or Image or Carousel ad
  • Video view: Video ad
  • Collect Leads: Lead Ad Form
  • Conversion: Link ad (Facebook Pixel)
  • Post Engagement: Image

4. Budgeting

How much money does it take to advertising on Facebook?

Budgeting is the amount of money or cost you will spend on showing your ads to people. You can set your budget at the ad set in the campaign level. Two types of budgets are the Daily budget and Lifetime budget.

  • If the ad set gets charged for impressions, its daily budget must be at least $1 per day.
  • If the da set gets charged for clicks, likes, video views, or post engagement, then its daily budget must be at least $5 a day.
  • If the ad set gets charged for low-frequency events like offer claims or app installs, its budget must be at least $40 a day.

5. Ad Creative

Facebook Ad Creative means is what actually people see in their Facebook newsfeed. It plays an efficient role to decide whether your ad campaign succeeds or not.

For a great Facebook Ad Creative:

  • It’s must be Visual.
  • It’s should be relevant.
  • It must include an enticing offer.
  • It should have a strong call to action.

There is a lot of competition for eyeballs in the newsfeed. So, it needs to catch attention (a bright color face will really stand out).

It should include an enticing offer so that it can catch your user’s attention and interest in becoming a full-time freelancer.

6. Split Testing

The 6th key that helps with the success of Facebook ads is Split testing and this lets you test different versions of your ads so you can see which work the best and improve for future Campaigns. Testing is the big part of FB ads and it is crucial in advertising to succeed your business by finding out what really works the best.
If you to maximize your budgets; you need to find out what is most effective in terms of copy, imagery, targeting, etc.
When you put out a campaign, not only have just one ad had one image into it. You want to really test different versions.

7. Tracking and Reporting

This is the last key of Facebook ads to success your business with advertising, which shows how your ad helps you to achieve your business goals across Facebook, Instagram, or any other Social Network. With the help of FB tools, you can analyze your campaign result, and know more about your audience, reach, sales, and more.
This data helps you make decisions when creating your campaigns and ultimately improve your goals.
Ads Reporting help you to customize, create, share, export and schedule report on ad performance based on a set of parameters that you choose.

  • Define Business Goals > Set KPI’s for ads > Assess Results
  • Metrics like CPM, CTR, and CPC are important to understand but your main focus should be on cost per Desired Action.
  • Enable Conversion Tracking with Facebook Pixels and Google Analytics.

These are the 7 keys to success with Facebook Ads Campaigns that can help you to grow your business from scratch. You can get in touch with us here to learn more about digital marketing or share your thoughts or queries in the comments if you have any more topics to get help from @mysticrubs.

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About Author

Ruby is an IT Engineer | Blogger | Digital marketer who offers Copywriting, ghostwriting, and blogging services to provide digital marketing content that gains social media attention and increases search engine visibility.

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