How to set up Facebook Pixel 2023 in META’s Latest Version?- an ultimate guide

3 years ago -

How to set up Facebook Pixel 2023 in META’s Latest Version?- an ultimate guide

What is Facebook Pixel? Do you ever wonder how most advertisers are successful?? How do you see Facebook ads for your favorite product right after you’ve viewed that product online??? Reading this content, I’m sure it will help you find answers to all these questions and what is the importance of Facebook Pixel, and how to set up Facebook Pixel 2023 in Latest Facebook Version regarding these questions.

Well, the Facebook pixel is one of the incredible tools developed by Facebook for marketers to monitor how successful your Facebook Ads actually were – giving more accurate conversion stats and creating custom audiences based on site traffic. If you’re using Facebook ads account, you should start right away by installing Facebook pixel. It gathered the data that helps you to make the most of your ads across Facebook & Instagram. Most Facebook advertisers use Facebook pixel to retarget & track conversion audience, optimize for conversion, and many more benefits.

Table of contents

What is Facebook Pixel?

Why should you need Facebook Pixel?

How does it work?

How to create and install Facebook Pixel?

Fixing some common Pixel errors


“Check this blog that shows you how to Advertise on Facebook? – A Complete Facebook Ads Guide. Find out how to reach the right audience, unique advertising goals to start advertising on Facebook.”

What is Facebook Pixel?

Facebook Pixel is a simple code that is used on your website so that it sends the collected data and information to Facebook like how many users visited your website, which pages the user goes by, what activities the user did on your site, what product they see, etc. The Facebook pixel works by dropping some cookies on your website that track the visitors so you can reach out to them later by using this information by Facebook to retarget for future ads or to optimize it, and remarket to people who have already done some action on your site.

Pixel categories into 2 types:

Standard Event Pixel

The standard event pixel tracks all the website information and sends it to Facebook. Suppose you have 10 pages on your website, then the standard event pixel sends all these pages’ information to Facebook.

Facebook pixel code

Event pixel

Events Manager is a Facebook tool to track the actions on third-party websites and apps (i.e., properties outside of Facebook). After adding the Meta Facebook Pixel event code and base code to the website or setting up the Conversions API. You can see:

  • Overview
  • Data sources
  • Custom conversions
  • Partner Integrations

Event pixels give Facebook some addition additional information if users take any actions on your site like purchasing filling the form, cart page, or any conversion events. Facebook recently track all of this information automatically, though we still recommended placing an event pixel by yourself. Suppose you have 10 pages on your website but you got one Thankyou page (it means users can visit only after they fill out your website form or they have to take some specific action). So, if some user filled up that form and come to the Thankyou page, then you want to track how many users visited the thank you page, i.e., Leads. If you want to target this information you have to place another pixel to that thank you page, also known as Lead Pixel then that pixel will give information to FB on how many Leads you gathered.

Why should you need Facebook Pixel?

Facebook Pixel provides vital information that you can use to create effective and to success Facebook ads, as well as powerful building audience, tracking, and targeting options more relevant and accurate way.

The top five reasons for using Pixel are:

1. Retargeting

After you’ve viewed some product online, you get to see Facebook ads related to that product in your newsfeed. That is called retargeting. Advertisers use Facebook pixels on their site so they use targeting options on Facebook to target people who have already chosen to visit their site. Facebook pixel works by dropping some cookies on your website that track the visitors so you can reach out to them later by using this information by Facebook to retarget for future ads.

Once you install a standard Event Pixel on your website, you will also be able to retarget the people immediately using Facebook Ads.

2. Track audience

Event pixels give Facebook some addition additional information if users take any actions on your site like purchasing filling the form, cart page, click continue or any conversion events.

Once you install Event Pixel on your website, you will also be able to set up custom conversions whatever unique conversions you’re interested in using the Facebook Ads Campaign.

3. Helps to create Custom Audiences

By installing the pixel, you can also target all your website visitors and create Custom Audiences so you can target people who visit certain pages, spends a certain amount of time, purchase items from you, etc.

4. Helps to create Lookalike Audiences

Facebook generates some audiences who are similar to the custom audience you have already created. You can also create an audience that is similar to your site visitors and similar to those people who clicked your ads or even purchased from you earlier.

5. Optimize from Conversions

You can optimize page views, leads, and purchases, click continue and people to take some actions on your website. Optimization is only available once you install the pixel. If you do, it helps you to reach the highest quality people with your ads.

How does Facebook Pixel work?

Facebook Pixel is a small piece of code that can use on your website whenever visitors take a specific action that you want to track. These actions taken by users are known as Conversions and are interpreted by FB pixel as Events such as add to cart, purchase, page views, time on page, etc. Pixel tracks website visited, devices that your visitors use, and domain visited. All these can be viewed in the Facebook Ads Manager.

The Facebook pixel works by dropping some cookies on your website that track the visitors so you can reach out to them later by using this information by Facebook to retarget for future ads account advertise or to optimize it, and remarket to people

How to create and install Pixel?

Now that you already know what FB pixel is and why it is so important to use, then why not create and install it on your website?

Here I’ll show you step by step process of creating the Facebook Pixel code setup and installing it and putting it to work on your website.

Step 1: Create a Facebook Pixels

  • First Go to your Facebook Business Manager. If you don’t know, then click How do you create a Business Manager Account here.
  • Go to Data Sources on the left-hand side, and Click Pixels. Add a new Facebook Pixel for your Business Account.
  • Enter the name of your Pixel name, and the website URL from where you want to track it.
how to create Facebook pixel

how to set up facebook pixel 2023

Facebook pixel is not working

Once you’ve done all these methods, you have to decide how you want to install them. There are multiple ways to install pixels on your website.

Step 2: Install the Facebook Pixels

Once you create your pixel, now is the time to set it up for your website and there are several ways to install it. Here I will show you the latest options on how to install it through:

1. Use WordPress to set up the Pixel

  • If your website is running on WordPress then you can add the Facebook pixel with a free plugin. And the official Facebook plugin is Facebook for WordPress as well as other PixelYourSite and Pixel Caffeine can also be used.
How do you want to set up your pixel
  • To install the Facebook Pixel with Facebook for WordPress, just search for it on your Plugin library and install and activate it.
Set up FB Pixel on WordPress through plugins
  • Then verify your add Domain on your Business Manager. This will establish which business manager account owns the domain, which will enable you to configure and prioritize the eight most valuable events that you want to track for your website.
  • For doing it, you need to go to the business settings and click on Brand safety which is on the left side of the menu in your Business Manager.
Add a domain name
  • Click on the “Add” button near the top and name your Domain. After that, you need to follow verify methods that are easier which is also as shown in my screenshot instructions of mine below.
  • Confirm whether your Facebook Pixel is working or not.
FB pixel

2. Edit your website code to set up the Facebook pixel Code (Manually)

If you choose to install the pixel, you simply need to paste the pixel code provided by Facebook into the header section of your website.

“As stated below, ensure you paste it after the <head> tag but before the </head> tag.”

  • If you select Edit your website code to set up the pixel, then you see three options “choose how you want to install the Facebook pixel code”.
Connect website activity using pixels
  • And if you choose manually, you’ll see the pixel code which is your pixel. Copy and paste the Facebook pixel code into the bottom of the head section of your website and install the base code on every page of your website you want to track.
how to Install pixel
  • Now you have to choose whether you want to use automatic advanced matching. The screenshot pic below helps to match customer data from your site to the existing specific pages (Facebook Profiles).
how to set up facebook pixel
  • Now check whether the Facebook pixel code is installed correctly by typing your website URL and clicking send Test Traffic.
How to set up FB pixel 2023

Fixing some common Pixel errors

The Facebook Pixel Helper helps you with common errors that will happen while creating and setting up a Facebook pixel. Some errors are:

  • No Pixels Found
  • Pixels did not load
  • Pixel activated multiple times
  • Invalid Pixel Id
  • Errors due to lack of Traffic

If you want to learn how to fix Facebook pixel errors, then check out the site.


Pixel is a really valuable tool for a lot of marketers to take benefits from it to the fullest. After this read, I believe anyone can set up Facebook pixel to their website and without a doubt, the most important element in cutting on unwanted time in Facebook Ads, improving campaigns to a profitable point, and many more.

If you’re not using it yet and feel too complicated to set up pixels, please don’t be a hassle, and please go through my blog again and I’m sure you will do it. Trust me, it will be worth your time.

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Ruby is an IT Engineer | Blogger | Digital marketer who offers Copywriting, ghostwriting, and blogging services to provide digital marketing content that gains social media attention and increases search engine visibility.

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