How to Advertise on Facebook? I wish I’d Known Before

3 years ago -

How to Advertise on Facebook? I wish I’d Known Before

If you’re searching for the easier and fastest way, “How to Advertise on Facebook?”, then you are in a right place. As I mentioned in my earlier post, Facebook is a very powerful tool that helps your business from scratch to reach its targeted audience. Around 90% of Marketing Advertisers invested their money in Facebook Advertising last year and this is because a maximum of people spend their time on Facebook, which helps many small businesses and brands to grow big today online.

“Facebook is very powerful tool that help your business from scratch to reach its targeted audience. There is 2.80 billion monthly active users and 1.2 billion users using Facebook every day, and each person spends more than 50 minutes a day (on average) across FB, Instagram, & Messenger”

No matter what your audience is; you’ll be sure to reach them through Facebook Ads, and the question is – How do you create, analyze and manage it? With the help of Facebook Ads, you can sell your product, build brand awareness, and generate leads by running a Campaign on Ad Manager. So, you need to learn how to advertise on Facebook?

“A boosted post is the simplest way to advertise your post on Facebook that you simply apply for money, & choose your audience in order to boost it.“

Boost a post is the easiest and fastest way to start advertising on Facebook, and for that, you need to follow these given steps below:

  • An existing Facebook page of your business, if you don’t have one yet then you can learn from my previous post how to create a Facebook Page here.
  • You need to choose a post that is already on your page timeline, Click the Boost Post button that appears underneath that post.
  • You get a lot of targeting options available on the left-hand side and you also get estimated people to reach.
  • In order for your ads to go live, you need to add some billing information.

The main limitation of this tool is designed in such a way to get only more engagement on your posts. If you want to get more likes, comments, and shares, to get Website Traffic, and App Installs then you should use Facebook Ad Manager.

Facebook Business Manager is a site owned by Facebook that manages ad accounts, pages, and the people who work on them- all in one place. It is a free tool. If you don’t have it yet then you can learn from my other post how to create a Facebook Business Manager here.

how to advertise on Facebook
How to create Facebook Business Manager Account  for Advertising?

How to Create an Ad Account ?

  • Go to the Business setting where you can create an ad account for your business. You can able to set up and run ads on Facebook, Messenger and Instagram.
  • Come into the Page and Click the ‘Ad Accounts’ tab where you can select the blue ‘Add’ button and click Create a new Ad Account.
  • Fill up the information name of your ad account, and select your business page, time zone, currency, and payment methods.
  • We already create a payment method when we create a business manager account so those should appear as options here.
  • Once you filled in all those details, you can select ‘Create Ad Account’.
  • Request access to an Ad Account so we can work on it and fill up billing methods.
how to create facebook ads account

Also Read: Optimized and super-fast hosting

how to create facebook ads account
facebook ad account
how to advertise on Facebook

The key advantage of doing this is they will already have their credit card in their account. So, we’re not going to pay for their ads. They’ve paid for their ads themselves. Click here for getting information about How to create multiple ad accounts on Facebook.

Now, you are all set up to run your ads for your business on Facebook. To access the Ads Manager where you can create and run advertising campaigns for businesses and brands. For that just click Ads Manager.

Also read: Grow your audience and your revenue

how to create facebook ads account

“Facebook Ads Manager is a tool that is used to create and manage your Facebook ads, where you can view, make changes and see results for all your Facebook campaigns, ad sets and ads.”

Also Read: Why do I need to set up Facebook Pixel for better ads?

If you want to bring your business online then explore some examples here

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About Author

Ruby is an IT Engineer | Blogger | Digital marketer who offers Copywriting, ghostwriting, and blogging services to provide digital marketing content that gains social media attention and increases search engine visibility.

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