100% Best FREE SEO TOOLS 2024 for SEO Ranking

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100% Best FREE SEO TOOLS 2024 for SEO Ranking

Compare the Top 15 Best FREE SEO TOOLS 2024 Hosting Companies & Choose The One That Best Meets Your Needs!

There are many best FREE SEO tools 2024, some of them are free while some are paid versions. That doesn’t mean you should use any of them for your business ranking. Because not all SEO tools are created equal, and you need to choose the top best SEO tools that will work well for your business for ranking.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is filled with multiple tools and each SEO professional has their own set of favorite tools. The best all-in-one SEO tools are usually paid versions and require a monthly subscription which is suitable mostly for bigger companies and agencies.

Smaller companies might only use it once in a while or just a small part of the features. It rarely justifies the expensive SEO tools, in these cases, it’s smarter to use a collection of free tools which can do most of the work needed.

There are multiple SEO tools out there to choose from for the starting Search Engine Optimizer, and it might be difficult to judge what tools are useful. I’ll just save you time from just sitting around testing different tools. Here are my Top 15 Best FREE SEO tools 2024 that are used in your SEO optimization to grow your website on Google and other search engines.

Best FREE SEO Tools 2024 used for Google Ranking

  1. SEMrush: Best for keyword Research
  2. Ahrefs: Best for Backlink Research
  3. Yoast SEO
  4. Moz Link Explorer
  5. Google Analytics
  6. Google Keyword Planner
  7. XML Sitemaps Generator (freemium)
  8. Screaming Frog
  9. Keyword Everywhere
  10. Ubersuggest (Freemium)
  11. Google Trends
  12. Google Search Console
  13. Kraken.io & TinyPNG
  14. PageSpeed Insights
  15. KeywordChef (Freemium)

1. SEMrush: Best for keyword Research

SEMRush SEO tool

SEMRush is one of the fan-favorite best free SEO tools 2024 in the SEO community that is specially designed to take a look at the domain position in Google search. This tool allows you to easily assess your rankings, the new ranking opportunities, and the changes made to them that have come up. It allows viewing the ranking of the keywords and other related keywords.

One of the most used features of this online SEO tool is Domain Vs Domain analysis. These features allow you to easily compare your website to your competitors and find some recommendations that how to improve the website’s performance.

SEMrush Features

  • You can analyze a domain vs domain competition.
  • This tool enables a comprehensive technical site audit.
  • The Keyword Research tool helps to find the best keywords for your campaign.
  • The Backlink Analysis tool helps to analyze the links pointing to any domain.
  • The content analyzer measures the quality and highlights the issues of content on your website.
  • This tool is right from keyword research to link building.

How to use SEMrush?

First, log in to Semrush, and enter the domain that you wish to analyze and monitor. The free version lets you conduct 10 searches per day. If you need more than that, then you will have to subscribe to the Premium version starting at $99.95 per month.

2. Ahrefs: Best for Backlink Research

Ahrefs- SEO tool

Ahrefs is the leading best free SEO tools 2024 that is trusted by many big brands worldwide such as Netflix, Uber, and Adobe. It offers a collection of complete SEO toolkits to boost the SEO of any domain.  Whether you need to research keywords or build backlinks, Ahrefs helps to perform all the tasks most accurately and quickly.

Ahrefs Features

  • You can track your keyword positions by using the Rank Tracker tool. This allows you to check the keyword ranking across 170 countries with average traffic and position.
  • Ahrefs allows to get traffic estimations for the top 10 pages, and hence it is excellent for performing SEO forecasting.
  • Content Explorer helps to find the top-performing content in your niche.
  • Site Explorer helps to get the essential data and information related to any domain. This includes total backlinks, domain rating, total referring domains, organic keywords, ahrefs rank, total traffic, and traffic value.
  • Site Audit tool used to optimize On-Page-SEO. It checks your website for around 120 technical issues like content quality, outgoing links, image alt tags, HTTP errors, etc.
  • Keyword Research tools help to find thousand of keyword ideas with data-driven metrics like CPC, search volume, keyword difficulty, and SERP overview.

How to use Ahrefs?

  • To start or use ahrefs, first, you need to buy a premium subscription or start a 7-days trial.
  • Once you logged in, enter the website address in the Site Explorer, then you will get an in-depth analysis of your site with metrics like ahrefs rank, backlinks, referring domains, top-ranking keywords, and traffic value.
  • Besides keyword research and competitors’ analysis, here you can also find critical SEO issues and provides recommendations to fix them.

3. Yoast SEO Plugin – SEO optimization FREE

Yoast Seo WordPress plugin

Yoast SEO plugin is one of the best free SEO tools 2024 for WordPress plugins. This plugin is free and also has a premium feature. This is the best technical SEO and content optimization for a WordPress website. It is an excellent tool for optimization of your content and boosting it for your SERPs ranking.

Yoast SEO plugin will allow you to access key suggestions on how to optimize your web pages and blogs with keyword phrases, meta descriptions, clarity, & content length. This is the best tool for On-Page SEO optimization.

If you create articles or blog posts, or add pages to your WordPress, then Yoast gives the best suggestions on how to optimize them with additional keywords, meta descriptions, content length, and a host of other suggestions.

Yoast Features

  • Yoast is perfect for on-page SEO optimization free.
  • This is a free plugin to download and install. Plus, this also provides a premium version.
  • This plugin allows for keyword optimization checklists such as traffic with light visuals.
  • Allow allows for schema markup.
  • It helps to see a preview of what your finished page looked like.
  • You can easily audit your URL slug, redirects from old pages to new, and breadcrumbs.
  • It can check duplicate content.
  • It also handles technical issues like .htaccess, sitemaps, robots.txt, etc.

Top best free SEO tools

Moz Link Explorer is one of the best Free SEO tools 2024 that is a full-service powerhouse that is used by SEO experts. It helps you to discover the right stuff just at a glance like keyword recommendations or a site crawl that you’re looking for.  This is a link analysis tool that offers a comprehensive view of a website’s backlink and includes page link metrics.

Seo professionals say that without an SEO tool like Moz Link Explorer, SEO can become a guessing game to novices. You will have no idea where you are doing well and where you need improvement. Even the free version of Moz is excellent but Mozbar is truly a power who subscribes, and I promise you that this service is worth the money.

Moz Link Explorer Features

  • You can get insight into how your website is performing and ranking as well as how to improve it.
  • You can instantly generate a detailed report on the website you are visiting.
  • This tool helps to easily find and fix the broken links to your site.
  • This tool allows discovery ink opportunities by letting you know who is linking to you but not your competitors.
  • Also, let you research your competitor’s links and compile them according to Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA).

5. Google Analytics- SEO Optimization FREE

Top best free SEO tools

Google Analytics is the coolest best free SEO tools 2024 that you can’t ignore even if you want to. This tool to the online marketer like air is to the human being. It is the most critical source where you can get all the virtual, actionable, and important data about your website’s visitors, traffics, etc. There is hardly any other data source tool that provides such high-quality and detailed information as Google Analytics does. If you’re not using it, I recommend that you begin doing so at your earliest.

Click on the link below for the features.

Also Read: Google Analytics Features

How to use Google Analytics?

Sign in to your analytics account where you can create a new account for free. Then, add your website to google analytics as a property.

You can fully get detailed information on “What is Google Analytics and How does it work in detail?”

6. Ubersuggest (Freemium)

Ubersuggest SEO tools 2024

Ubersuggest is the best for SEO beginners and was founded by Neil Patel. It provides several easy features to analyze a domain, does keyword research, and uncovers backlinks data. Unlike the SEO app SEMrush and Ahrefs, Ubersuggest has very limited features and is very easy to understand.

Ubersuggest tool is recommended for small businesses or for analysis of a personal website which is also one of the best free SEO tools 2024. According to SEO professionals, this tool is very simple to get started with and great for both organic and paid SEO.

Ubersuggest Features

  • You can generate the Keyword idea to get lots of low-competition keywords for your website.
  • These tools help to analyze the top-tracked keywords ranking in the top 100 Google results. You can track up to 25 keywords in the free version.
  • The Content Idea tool helps to find dozens of winning topic ideas along with the suggested keywords.
  • You can perform the competitors’ keyword analysis to find the keywords.
  • The site Audit tool helps to find critical SEO issues and recommendations to correct them.
  • The Back Opportunity tool helps to find hundreds of website links that link to your competitor’s domain, but not yours.

How to use Ubersuggest?

Log in to the tool and enter any domain or keyword to get data. You can select your preferred target location from the available options.

Ubersuggest returns the no. of organic keywords on which the domain ranks, the monthly organic traffic, domain authority, & total backlinks. It shows keyword research volume, SEO difficulty, and Cost Per Click (CPC).

7. Google Keyword Planner – SEO optimization FREE

Top best free SEO tools

Google Keyword Planner is also one of the most popular and best free SEO tools 2024 for researching & evaluating the lists of keywords along with their search volumes. It is an essential part of the Google Adwords advertising platform.

8. XML Sitemaps Generator (freemium)

A sitemap is defined as a file where you can provide information about the pages, videos, and other related files on your website, and the relationship between them. Search engines like Google read this file to crawl more intelligently your website. A sitemap will tell the crawler which files you think are important to your website, and it provides valuable information about these files.

Sitemap helps to create a sitemap for a website with both HTML and XML variants. A sitemap is another way to have a highly indexable website. This tool is also one of the best free SEO tools 2024 for SEO optimization free totally.

XML Sitemaps Generator Features

  • You can create separate versions of HTML and XML sitemaps that are beneficial for both the user and the search engines.
  • Without any registration, you can get your sitemap ready quickly.
  • This tool also emails you the generated sitemap so you can put it on your website later.
  • This also allows results to include the no. of pages, XML file content, broken links, and links to the sitemap file.

How to use XML Sitemaps Generator?

Enter your website’s URL and this tool will start automatically generating the sitemap.

9. Screaming Frog

SEO tools free version

Screaming Frog is another online best free SEO tools 2024 that crawls through your entire website. This creates a complete list of all the internal web pages and is considered one of the best free SEO tools available online by experts.

Screaming Frog keeps tracking the crawl level, internal & external links of webpages, and elements of a keyword such as a title, meta description, their length, and STTP status codes.

Most SEO professionals love Screaming Frog because it saves time with the help of analyzing their website super quickly and also performing site audits. The latest version of Screaming Frog is an upgraded module and is an absolute delight to use. It comes with power-packed features.

SEO tool also informs plagiarized content, errors/mistakes to take care of, poor redirections, and areas of improvement for link building.

Screaming Frog Features

  • This tool helps to evaluate the on-site SEO factors that include server errors, duplicate pages, broken links, & blocked URLs.
  • This crawls your website to analyze the title and meta descriptions to determine the required length& relevance.
  • This can also outline whether your website has any missing elements.
  • This tool integrates with Google Analytics where users can generate error reports.

How to use Screaming Frog?

First, you need to download the software. Once installed, click on the Screaming Frog icon on your desktop to open it.

Enter the website URL you wish you crawl and click to start. Then, this tool will automatically crawl and fetch all your related data for further review.

10. Keyword Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere - Keyword Tool

Keyword Everywhere is a browser add-on for firefox and chrome that shows you monthly search volume, CPC, and keyword competition data from different APIs and is embedded directly into the search page. This tool is not a 100% free SEO tools 2024 version but basically, it is. This tool only charges a few dollars a month so they can keep the tool running.

Keyword Everywhere Features

  • Keyword Everywhere displays related keywords, trend chants, and people who also search for something on the search results page.
  • With this tool, you don’t need to toggle between different platforms to conduct research and compare the data.
  • You can download the data as the list of keywords in excel, pdf, or CSV files.
  • You can import keywords, add your own keywords and search keywords by country.
  • You can analyze the page and review it.

How to use Keyword Everywhere?

Once you installed the extension, users can make a Google search, and keyword metrics will appear below the search bar, & in a side panel on the result page.

google trends

Google developed Google Trends that analyzed the popularity of top search queries in search results for SEO optimization.

Social media is one of the most valuable tools in any brand manager’s arsenal. It gives us a better understanding of what customers are thinking and feeling, the opportunity to reconnect with old customers, and ways to reach new customers.

Armed with these talking points you can convince anyone of the value of social media. If you need backup, give me a shout. One way is to use to optimize your search engine performance. It is an analytics-measuring tool that allows users to tailor searches for relevant terms and phrases and monitor SEO trends across any set duration of time.

How to use Google Trends?

  • Understand Keyword Search Volume
  • Identify Seasonal Trends
  • Avoid Temporarily Popular Keywords
  • Find Trending Relevant Topics
  • Use Trend Predictions
  • Find Related Queries to Beat the Competition
  • Optimize Your Local SEO Strategy
  • Enhance Your Video SEO Strategy 

12. Google Search Console

Top best free SEO tools

If Google Analytics is air to an online marketer, Google Search Console is the food that the online markets eat as per the SEO professional. Google Search Console is one of the best free SEO tools offered to everyone with a website. This tool is one of my personal favorite best SEO Tools for SEO optimization free.

This tool helps to see the no. of impressions, CTR and clicks you are getting for each keyword. This allows you to report and monitor your website’s presence in Google SERP, which is very essential for SEOs. For this, you can go to Google Analytics and submit your sitemap for indexing.

For more details on “how you can use Google Trend for keyword research

Google Search Console Features

  • This allows us to see the number of impressions, clicks, and CTR for each keyword.
  • Used to monitor and report your website’s presence on GOOGLE SERP (search engine results page).
  • You can see the average position for keywords.
  • Search Console helps you to understand how Google and its users see your website and let you optimize it for better performance in search results.
  • Google Search Console’s best insights come from just glancing at the dashboard.

How to use Google Search Console?

First, log in inside the search console with your valid mail address.

In this tool, you can go to Search Traffic > Search queries, and view the keyword queries that bring users to your website.

Thus, all the SEO professionals and marketers have to do is keep up with the dashboard regularly

13. Kraken.io & TinyPNG

Top best free SEO tools

Kraken.io and TinyPNG, both are the most useful best FREE SEO tools for SEO optimizing free the images of a website. These tools are used to decrease the size of images to speed up the page loading time. As you know, large images will tend to slow the downloading times, especially on mobile devices. That’s why these tools will help to reduce image resolutions. Both tools are very easiest to use and the best ways to speed up your site.

kraken.io- image optimizer

14. PageSpeed Insights

Google PageSpeed Insights is the best free SEO tools 2024 that checks the speed of your site and provides suggestions to improve the SEO optimization FREE.

Top best free SEO tools 2024

How to use PageSpeed Insights?

This is very simple to use, enter your site or blog’s URL, and click the “analyze” button.

This tool will automatically check the speed and overall user experience of your site and provide a score – for both desktop and mobile UX. Analyze with PageSpeed Insights. Get your PageSpeed score and use PageSpeed suggestions to make your website faster through this FREE SEO Tool for SEO optimization.

Here’s how the scores rank:

  • A score of 90+ means that your website is FASTER.
  • A score between 50-90 is considered AVERAGE.
  • A score below 50 is considered as your website is SLOW.

Also Read: 12 Useful DIGITAL MARKETING TOOLS if you have no team

 15. KeywordChef – Best SEO Tool free

Top best free SEO tools 2024

KeywordChef is a long-tail keyword research best free SEO tools 2024 that helps you find tons of relevant keywords nearly guaranteed to rank in search results. This is one of the best free SEO tools in 2023 for SEO optimization.

KeywordChef comes with useful filters that allow you to find keywords that are hidden or uncovered. Every SEO wants to find keywords that are easy to rank for, & KeywordChef helps to identify keyword opportunities where you can rank fast.

Moreover, you don’t need to pay a monthly fee to use the tool; just buy credits for as little as $20 to restart your research after the free 1,000 credits are finished.

How to use KeywordChef?

Register for the site and log in to keywordChef.

Enter your seed keyword, & select the type of keyword research you wish to perform.

There are several types of keyword research to choose from:

  • Keywords starting with “best”
  • Comparison keywords
  • Question keyword searches
  • Keywords starting with “How to”
  • Keywords starting with “Most”
  • Alternative keyword suggestions
  • Keywords containing “ideas”

Now click on the search icon and the tool will share some sample keywords from the search. You have to spend some credits to view the search results.


Implementation and experimentation are perhaps the most important aspects of search engine optimization (SEO) – but all the results and recommendations in the world are useless if you don’t follow through and execute.

If you are serious about learning and implementing SEO, at some point you might need to arrange some cash to get your hands on the right tools.

Most of these tools have free features or trials that you can try out and play around with. But in a long run, you might need a paid subscription to any online SEO tool if you wish to do thorough SEO work. Always remember that your success falls on you and only you. So, take the next step wisely.

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Ruby is an IT Engineer | Blogger | Digital marketer who offers Copywriting, ghostwriting, and blogging services to provide digital marketing content that gains social media attention and increases search engine visibility.

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